IEEE 2012 International Conference on Power, Signals, Controls and Computation
Technology - Available in Android, J2EE & DotNet
Abstract - With the advent of
internet, various online attacks has been increased and among them the most
popular attack is phishing. Phishing is an attempt by an individual or a group
to get personal confidential information such as passwords, credit card
information from unsuspecting victims for identity theft, financial gain and
other fraudulent activities. Fake websites which appear very similar to the
original ones are being hosted to achieve this. In this paper we have proposed
a new approach named as "A Novel Anti-phishing framework based on visual
cryptography "to solve the problem of phishing. Here an image based
authentication using Visual Cryptography is implemented. The use of visual
cryptography is explored to preserve the privacy of an image captcha by
decomposing the original image captcha into two shares (known as sheets) that
are stored in separate database servers(one with user and one with server) such
that the original image captcha can be revealed only when both are
simultaneously available; the individual sheet images do not reveal the
identity of the original image captcha. Once the original image captcha is
revealed to the user it can be used as the password. Using this website cross
verifies its identity and proves that it is a genuine website before the end