IEEE 2019 / 20 - Internet of Things (IOT) Projects

IEEE 2020: Automation in Agriculture and IoT
Abstract: We are living in a world of digitization. Almost everything around us is touch by digitization. The role the Technology has to play in agriculture sector is becoming more and more visible day by day. Since year of its inception communication has played an important part in agriculture, it was not just limited to in area of crop diagnostics but it has played pivotal role in the modification of age old agricultural practices. One can also witness development in various methodologies and technologies being used in the agricultural system. On the contrary, the Agriculture sector in India is witnessing losing ground every day that has affected the production capacity of the ecosystem. There is an emerging need to solve the problem in the said domain to restore vibrancy and put it back on higher growth. A large-scale agricultural system requires a lot of maintenance, knowledge, and supervision. In the given paper we are aiming to automate the Maintenance, Control of Insecticides and pesticides, Water Management and Crop Monitoring. 
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IEEE 2020: IOT based Electrical Device Surveillance and Control System
Abstract: With every enhancement in Internet in terms of speed and bandwidth, IOT (Internet Of things) is taking the market on a new node and knocking the door with new opportunities of inventions. This paper talks about an energy saving electrical device Surveillance and Control system based on IOT.A large amount of energy is consumed by lighting appliances, so making improved efficiency and quick fault detection is a significant challenge. In this work, two different model approaches is followed depending on the nature of application. For small areas or confined premises IEEE 802.11 wireless technology is used where all the appliances is connected to a common Wi-Fi network. In the second model like street lamp pole where number of appliances grows only in one direction, wired configuration is used to avoid range issue.
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IEEE 2019: Android Based Advanced Attendance Vigilance System Using Wireless Network with Fusion of Bio-metric Fingerprint Authentication               Abstract: In this digital era, different organizations have started taking attendance using biometric fingerprint authentication. This will keep the track of employee’s attendance but the question arises if the employee is fully present at his/her workplace after giving attendance. In this modern era of digitalization, it is seen that after giving attendance a huge number of employees escape away from their workplace and do their personal job in the office time. This paper focuses on a smart attendance system where an android device will be used as a smart ID card. A mobile application is developed in Java to ensure the attendance of an individual employee using bio-metric fingerprint authentication. In addition, the entire working place will be a Wi-Fi zone. So, the connection or disconnection of the android device (Smart ID card) to the router will determine whether an employee is present in the working place or not. A counter will be there into the system to count the total amount of time an employee spends in the working place.

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Patient Health Description using NFC-Tag-M-Health
ABSTRACT:Electronic medical recd systems (EMR) have been used in adopting primary care physicians; few also use such system in practice. It is said to be user friendly environment , secure in services , many new ways have been used in order to access health care data. With ought to reducing of patient quality care mobile health care system is said to be implemented. By using Near Field Communication (NFC) a novel method is developed that uses basic architecture for m-health care services. For the welfare of the patients requirement the mobile health care system have been used globally. The work highlights fetching patient records by the doctor in a single tap with NFC tag to the NFC reader. With the help of Near Field Communication (NFC), these following steps need to be undertaken with high priority in order as well as provisioning the healthcare of the patients anytime and anywhere through wireless technologies.

IEEE 2018 : Malware Threats and Detection for Industrial Mobile-IoT Networks
Abstract :  Industrial IoT networks deploy heterogeneous IoT devices to meet a wide range of user requirements. These devices are usually pooled from private or public IoT cloud providers. A signi_cant number of IoT cloud providers integrate smartphones to overcome the latency of IoT devices and low computational power problems. However, the integration of mobile devices with industrial IoT networks exposes the IoT devices to signi_cant malware threats. Mobile malware is the highest threat to the security of IoT data, user's personal information, identity, and corporate/_nancial information. This paper analyzes the efforts regarding malware threats aimed at the devices deployed in industrial mobile-IoT networks and related detection techniques. We considered static, dynamic, and hybrid detection analysis. In this performance analysis, we compared static, dynamic, and hybrid analyses on the basis of data set, feature extraction techniques, feature selection techniques, detection methods, and the accuracy achieved by these methods. Therefore, we identify suspicious API calls, system calls, and the permissions that are extracted and selected as features to detect mobile malware. This will assist application developers in the safe use of APIs when developing applications for industrial IoT networks.

IEEE 2018 : Fog-Based Crime-Assistance in Smart IoT Transportation System
Abstract :  Smart transportation safety (STS) envisions improving public safety through a signi_cant paradigm shift for police authority responses on crimes toward a pro-active one. The application of smart surveillance in STS is critical for automatic and accurate identi_cation of events in case of security threats in target environments. Cloud computing reduces costs and high resource consumption of smart surveillance capable STS systems, at the cost of introducing additional latency through far away centralized systems. In this paper, the fog-framework for intelligent public safety in vehicular environment (FISVER) framework applies fog computing in smart video surveillance-based STS to enhance crime assistance in a cost-ef_cient way. Through fog-FISVER, in-vehicle and fog infrastructures support autonomous and real-time crime detection on public bus services. A fog-FISVER laboratory testbed prototype was created and extensive evaluations in a real testbed were performed. Results show that fog-FISVER delivers outstanding system performance and device survivability behavior over typical STS use cases.

IEEE 2018 : VCAMS: Viterbi-based Context Aware Mobile Sensing to Trade-off Energy and Delay
 Abstract : Monitoring context depends on continuous collection of raw data from sensors which are either embedded in smart mobile devices or worn by the user. However, continuous sensing constitutes a major source of energy consumption; on the other hand, lowering the sensing rate may lead to missing the detection of critical contextual events. In this paper, we propose VCAMS: a Viterbi-based Context Aware Mobile Sensing mechanism that adaptively finds an optimized sensing schedule to decide when to trigger the sensors for data collection while trading off the sensing energy and the delay to detect a state change. The sensing schedule is adaptive from two aspects: 1) the decision rules are learned from the user’s past behavior, and 2) these rules are updated over real time whenever there is a significant change in the user’s behavior. VCAMS is validated using multiple experiments, which include evaluation of model success when considering binary and multi-user states. We also implemented VCAMS on an Android-based device to estimate its computational costs under realistic operational conditions. Test results show that our proposed strategy provides better trade-off than previous state-of-the-art methods under comparable conditions. Furthermore, the method provides 78% energy saving when compared to continuous sensing.

IEEE 2018: MEDIBOX – IoT Enabled Patient Assisting Device
Abstract : The health and wellness sector is critical to human society and as such should be one of the first to receive the benefits of upcoming technologies like IoT. Some of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) are connected to IoT networks to monitor the day-to-day activities of the patients. Recently there has been attempts to design new medical devices which monitor the medications and help aged people for a better assisted living. In this paper, one such attempt is made to design a multipurpose portable intelligent device named MEDIBOX which helps the patients take their medications at the right time. This box is a proficient system which maintains the parameters like temperature and humidity in a controlled range recommended by the drug manufacturer and thus maintains the potency of the medicines even if the patient is travelling. Related to this, we have developed a Host Management System (HMS) which is capable of cloud-based installation and monitoring that stores and controls the MEDIBOX functionality for further analysis and future modification in design aspects.
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IEEE 2018: ETAP: Energy-Efficient and Traceable Authentication Protocol in Mobile Medical Cloud Architecture
Abstract: Medical cloud blends medical treatment, cloud computing and cloud storage together via the Internet to achieve stakeholders’ benefits (healthcare center, patient, doctor and cloud server). It also enables bunch of shared computing-storage resources to end users at anytime and anywhere. Due to the complexity and openness of the Internet, assorted challenges are there. Hence, security and privacy are the dominant concerns. Therefore, strong privacy protection authentication protocol is desired. Very recently, Cheng et al proposed a cloud-based authentication protocol and claimed that their protocol was against mentioned weaknesses in their paper. However, the analysis shows that Cheng et al’s protocol is insecure against message confidentiality and patient’s anonymity. Then a novel protocol is proposed (abbreviated to ETAP). The ETAP not only mitigates the weaknesses, but has other advantages. First, ETAP realizes authentication with extremely low computional cost between stakeholders. Second, ETAP can enable patients to enjoy the remote services with privacy protection. Finally, ETAP is proven to be safe against passive and active attacks under the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP) assumption in random oracle model. Hence, these features make ETAP very suitable for computation-limited mobile devices (such as smartphone, PAD) compared with other related existing protocols.
IEEE 2018:  Querying in Internet of Things with Privacy Preserving: Challenges, Solutions and Opportunities
Abstract:  IoT is envisioned as the next stage of the informa­tion revolution, enabling various daily applications and providing better service by conducting a deep fusion with cloud and fog computing. As the key mission of most IoT applications, data management, especially the fundamental function-data query, has long been plagued by severe security and privacy problems. Most query service providers, including the big ones (e.g., Google, Facebook, Amazon, and so on) are suffering from intensive attacks launched by insiders or outsiders. As a consequence, process­ing various queries in IoT without compromising the data and query privacy is an urgent and challenging issue. In this article, we propose a thing-fog-cloud architecture for secure query processing based on well studied classical paradigms. Following with a description of crucial technical challenges in terms of functionality, privacy and efficiency assurance, we survey the latest milestone-like approaches, and provide an insight into the advantages and limita­tions of each scheme. Based on the recent advanc­es, we also discuss future research opportunities to motivate efforts to develop practical private query protocols in IoT.
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IEEE 2018: Fog Computing Approach for Mobility Support in Internet-of-Things Systems

Abstract: Handover mechanism for mobility support in a remote real-time streaming IoT system was proposed in this paper. The handover mechanism serves to keep the connection between sensor nodes and a gateway with a low latency. The handover mechanism also attentively considers oscillating nodes which often occur in many streaming IoT systems. By leveraging the strategic position of smart gateways and Fog computing in a real-time streaming IoT system, sensor nodes’ loads were alleviated whereas advanced services, like push notification and local data storage, were provided. The paper discussed and analyzed metrics for the handover mechanism based on Wi-Fi. In addition, a complete remote real-time health monitoring IoT system was implemented for experiments. The results from evaluating our mobility handover mechanism for mobility support shows that the latency of switching from one gateway to another is 10% - 50% less than other state-of-the-art mobility support systems. The results show that the proposed handover mechanism is a very promising approach for mobility support in both Fog computing and IoT systems.
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IEEE 2018: Data Transfusion: Pairing Wearable Devices and Its Implication on Security for Internet of Things

Abstract: When a wearable device such as a smartwatch is paired with a host device, e.g., a smartphone, it is inevitable that a certain amount of data stored in the host device will be copied to the wearable device for initialization and personalization purposes. This incident may frequently occur with the Internet of Things. However, it is not well known, particularly among users, what type of data and how much of it is actually being copied or retained as a result of device pairing. Thus, it is unclear whether users are properly managing smartphones and smart watches based on their stored data. In this regard, we coined a new term called data transfusion to describe the phenomenon in which a user experiences data transfer while pairing but without having any knowledge regarding the data. To the best of our knowledge, there are no previous studies that deal with how much sensitive data are transfused regardless of user consent, and how users perceive and behave toward such a phenomenon for smartwatches. As this is a significant issue with the Internet of Things, we tackle this problem in two ways. We first conduct an experimental study of data extraction from commodity devices such as in Android Wear, watchOS, and Tizen platforms, followed by a survey of 205 smartwatch users. The experimental study reveals that large amounts of sensitive data are being transfused without sufficient user notification. The survey demonstrates that users have lower risk perceptions for smartwatches than for smartphones in terms of security and privacy, but they tend to set the same passcode on both devices when needed. Based on the results, we perform risk assessment and discuss possible mitigation measures that involve volatile transfusion for securing the Internet of Things.
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IEEE 2018: Efficient External Sensors for Smartphonesthrough Near Field Communication (NFC)
Abstract: This paper evaluates the opportunity to utilize external sensors through near field communication (NFC) for smartphones, both, in terms of energy consumption from the smartphones’ battery and time consumption of the smartphones’ user. Our developed sensor card enables external sensors to obtain information, for example, on the current temperature level, humidity level, UV level, and amount of ambient light. We demonstrate that our approach requires significantly less energy and time compared to alternatives which users of smartphones have. Furthermore, we analyse the impact of heat sources present in smartphones on the readings of temperature and humidity level sensors. We propose to externalise sensors in order to minimise the negative impact of temperature on sensors readings and, thereby, improving the accuracy of the measurements and the acquired sensor data.

IEEE 2018: NFC-based mobile application design restaurant ordering system APP
Abstract: As smartphones grow rapidly and wireless communication technology develops maturely, mobile applications of all sorts keep emerging. At present, the wireless communication technology that smart phones incorporate most often is Near Field Communication, NFC, which is applied to hand phones with built-in NFC with which users make payment, read messages, and close-range device matching, for example. Restaurants have given away coupons to customers after consumption or accumulate points for exchange of other discounts or gifts using member cards, so as to attract customers to come back again; however, it is not unusual that consumers forget to come to restaurants without their cards or even have lost them. In this regard, this study will design a Restaurant system App, with which the consumers will browse on the mobile devices the discounts, information on meals and other services, and will integrate member bonus and coupons as well as number call service into the App by means of data transmission with NFC technique.

IEEE 2018: Lightweight Smart Home Security System Using Multiple RSS-based Voting

Abstract: A centralized smart home system can be attacked by hacking the center or camouflaging as a member device. We propose a distributed security system using received signal strength (RSS) based voting. The peripheral devices vote according to whether the RSS is in a pre-calculated range. The validation of a data is conducted by the result of vote. If the peripheral devices approve more than 60%, the data is regarded to be trusted. We have confirmed through actual implementation and experiments against the camouflage attack scenario. As a result, the proposed system blocked the data from a camouflaged device as 100% in the experiments.
IEEE 2017:  Child Safety Wearable Device

Abstract: This paper discusses the concept of a smart wearable device for little children. The major advantage of this wearable over other wearable is that it can be used in any cell phone and doesn't necessarily require an expensive smart phone and not a very tech savvy individual to operate. The purpose of this device is to help parents locate their children with ease. At the moment there are many wearable’s in the market which help track the daily activity of children and also help find the child using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth services present on the device. But Wi-Fi and Bluetooth appear to be an unreliable medium of communication between the parent and child. Therefore, the focus of this paper is to have an SMS text enabled communication medium between the child's wearable and the parent as the environment for GSM mobile communication is almost present everywhere. The parent can send a text with specific keywords such as "LOCATION" "TEMPERA TURE" "UV" "SOS" "BUZZ", etc., the wearable device will reply back with a text containing the real time accurate location of the child which upon tapping will provide directions to the child's location on Google maps app and will also provide the surrounding temperature, UV radiation index so that the parents can keep track if the temperature or UV radiation is not suitable for the child. The Prime motivation behind this project  is that we know how important technology is in our lives but it can sometimes can't be trusted, and we always need to have a secondary measure at hand. The secondary measure used in this project is the people present in the surrounding of the child who could instantly react for the Child’s safety till the parents arrives or they could contact the parents and help locate them. The secondary measure implemented was using a bright SOS Light and distress alarm buzzer present on the wearable device which when activated by the parents via SMS text should display the SOS signal brightly and sound an alarm which a bystander can easily spot as a sign of distress.
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IEEE 2017:  Blind Aid Stick: Hurdle Recognition, Simulated Perception, Android Integrated Voice Based Cooperation via GPS Along With Panic Alert System

Abstract: Evolution of technology has always been endeavored with making daily life simple. With a fast paced life everybody today is harnessing the benefits of technology except some parts of the society .One of them is the visually impaired who have to rely on others for travelling and other activities. This paper aims at providing one such theoretical model which incorporates the latest technologies to provide efficient and smart electronic aid to the blind. We have used IR sensors along with ultrasonic range finder circuit for hurdle detection. Bluetooth module which along with GPS technology and an Android application for blind, will provide voice assistance to desired location and in panic situations will send SMS alert to registered mobile numbers The basic objective of the system is to provide a convenient and easy navigation aid for unsighted which helps in artificial vision by providing information about the environmental scenario of static and dynamic objects around them.
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  IEEE 2023:   Machine Learning and Software-Defined Networking to Detect DDoS Attacks in IOT Networks Abstract:   In an era marked by the r...