Tuesday, 3 January 2017

IEEE 2017: SociRank: Identifying and Ranking Prevalent NewsTopics Using Social Media Factors

Abstract: Mass media sources, specifically the news media, have traditionally informed us of daily events. In modern times, social media services such as Twitter provide an enormous amount of user-generated data, which have great potential to contain informative news-related content. For these resources to be useful, we must find a way to filter noise and only capture the content that, based on its similarity to the news media, is considered valuable. However, even after noise is removed, information overload may still exist in the remaining data—hence, it is convenient to prioritize it for consumption. To achieve prioritization, information must be ranked in order of estimated importance considering three factors. First, the temporal prevalence of a particular topic in the news media is a factor of importance, and can be considered the media focus (MF) of a topic. Second, the temporal prevalence of the topic in social media indicates its user attention (UA). Last, the interaction between the social media users who mention this topic indicates the strength of the community discussing it, and can be regarded as the user interaction (UI) toward the topic. We propose an unsupervised framework—SociRank—which identifies news topics prevalent in both social media and the news media, and then ranks them by relevance using their degrees of MF, UA, and UI. Our experiments

IEEE 2017: RAPARE: A Generic Strategy for Cold-Start Rating Prediction Problem
Abstract:I n recent years, recommender system is one of indispensable components in many e-commerce websites. One of the major challenges that largely remains open is the cold-start problem, which can be viewed as a barrier that keeps the cold-start users/items away from the existing ones. In this paper, we aim to break through this barrier for cold-start users/items by the assistance of existing ones. In particular, inspired by the classic Elo Rating System, which has been widely adopted in chess tournaments; we propose a novel rating comparison strategy (RAPARE) to learn the latent profiles of cold-start users/items. The center-piece of our RAPARE is to provide a fine-grained calibration on the latent profiles of cold-start users/items by exploring the differences between cold-start and existing users/items. As a generic strategy, our proposed strategy can be instantiated into existing methods in recommender systems. To reveal the capability of RAPARE strategy, we instantiate our strategy on two prevalent methods in recommender systems, i.e., the matrix factorization based and neighborhood based collaborative filtering.

IEEE 2017: l-Injection: Toward Effective Collaborative Filtering Using Uninteresting Items
Abstract: We develop a novel framework, named as l-injection, to address the sparsity problem of recommender systems. By carefully injecting low values to a selected set of unrated user-item pairs in a user-item matrix, we demonstrate that top-N recommendation accuracies of various collaborative filtering (CF) techniques can be significantly and consistently improved. We first adopt the notion of pre-use preferences of users toward a vast amount of unrated items. Using this notion, we identify uninteresting items that have not been rated yet but are likely to receive low ratings from users, and selectively impute them as low values. As our proposed approach is method-agnostic, it can be easily applied to a variety of CF algorithms. Through comprehensive experiments with three real-life datasets (e.g., Movielens, Ciao, and Watcha), we demonstrate that our solution consistently and universally enhances the accuracies of existing CF algorithms (e.g., item-based CF, SVD-based CF, and SVD++) by 2.5 to 5 times on average. Furthermore, our solution improves the running time of those CF methods by 1.2 to 2.3 times when its setting produces the best accuracy.
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IEEE 2017: Vehicular Cloud Data Collection for Intelligent Transportation Systems

Abstract:  The Internet of Things (IoT) envisions connecting billions of sensors to the Internet, in order to provide new applications and services for smart cities. IoT will allow the evolution of the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) from existing Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs), in which the delivery of various services will be offered to drivers by integrating vehicles, sensors, and mobile devices into a global network. To serve VANET with computational resources, Vehicular Cloud Computing (VCC) is recently envisioned with the objective of providing traffic solutions to improve our daily driving. These solutions involve applications and services for the benefit of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), which represent an important part of IoV. Data collection is an important aspect in ITS, which can effectively serve online travel systems with the aid of Vehicular Cloud (VC). In this paper, we involve the new paradigm of VCC to propose a data collection model for the benefit of ITS. We show via simulation results that the participation of low percentage of vehicles in a dynamic VC is sufficient to provide meaningful data collection.
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IEEE 2017: Optimizing Green Energy, Cost, and Availability in Distributed Data Centers
Abstract:  Integrating renewable energy and ensuring high availability are among two major requirements for geodistributed data centers. Availability is ensured by provisioning spare capacity across the data centers to mask data center failures (either partial or complete). We propose a mixed integer linear programming formulation for capacity planning while minimizing the total cost of ownership (TCO) for highly available, green, distributed data centers. We minimize the cost due to power consumption and server deployment, while targeting a minimum usage of green energy. Solving our model shows that capacity provisioning considering green energy integration, not only lowers carbon footprint but also reduces the TCO. Results show that up to 40% green energy usage is feasible with marginal increase in the TCO compared to the other cost-aware models.

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